Född/born 2014
e Imrun's Frodo Baggins u Laroussu's Edna E'Mode.
En underbar kille som verkligen visat var skåpet ska stå. Härligt temperament, välbyggd och proportionerlig. Många segrar och superfin domarkritik.
Bosse ägs av Tim Nilsson/Frida Svensson och Unicorn Kings.
A wonderful guy who is successful in showring. Beautiful temperament, well constructed and proportionate. Many victories and supernice judgments criticism. Bossa is owned by Tim Nilsson/Frida Svensson and Unicorn Kings.
Knäledstatus/Knee 0-0
Unicornking's Hector Barbossa & Laroussu's Royal Rhapsody
181118 Poznan INT All breed. Judge Guenther Ehrenreich, A. CACIB POLISH WINNER 2018.
181117 Poznan INT All breed. Judge Tomasz Borkowski, PL. CACIB
180901 Bremen Int all breed. Judge Regina Blessing, D. BOB CACIB.
170806 Odense Dk Nat all breed. Judge Hanne Laine Jensen, (DK). BOB CAC. Dansk o svensk champion!
170624 Kolobrzeg INT all breed show. Judge Andrzej Stepinski (PL) CAC, CACIB
170304 Zielona Góra, Poland, INT all breed show. Judge Nikolay Sedykh (RUS), CAC, RES CACIB. POLISH CHAMPION
161029 Prague, Czech INT all breed show CAC CACIB. Judge Eugene Yerusalimsky
160709 Tvååker NAT All breed, judge Gunilla Skallman (S). BM2 CC
160708 Tvååker INT All breed, judge Freddie Klindrup (DK). BM2 CC
160526 Szczecin, Polen Nat all breed, judge Andzej Mania (PL), CC BOB
160625 Szczecin, Polen Nat all breed, judge Andrzej Kazmierski, (PL), CC BOS
151108 Poznan, Polen Int all breed Judge Iwona Giczela (PL), CC, BOB junior, Polish Junior Winner 2015
151107 Poznan, Polen, Int all breed. Judge Jan Gajewski (PL), BM2 CC, BOB junior
150822 Ljungskile SKK, judge Ann-Christin Johansson, BOB puppy
150607 Vänersborg SKK, judge Ann-Christin Johansson, SE, BOB puppy
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